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10 Things Business Owners MUST Look For in Blog Writing Services

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Blogs are an essential marketing tool for business owners. Whether you’re the marketing director of a massive corporation or a small business owner looking for extra website traffic, you probably spend a large portion of your budget on marketing strategies and ad spend.

However, you’re making a grave mistake if you have a static website, similar to a TV constantly tuned to one channel. Writing blog posts or purchasing blog writing services is a better and more helpful tool for enhancing ROI than any other marketing strategy.

BUT — not all blog writing services are the same. Entrepreneurs and business owners must pay close attention to their content marketing needs when opting blog writing services.

If you’re here, you probably have at least some understanding of just how important blogs can be for driving traffic to your website — and your business.

We’re here to make sure you’re fully armed with the knowledge to succeed!

Here’s everything you need to know about blog writing services for your business.

THIS is what you should be aiming for. Find out more below…

Blog Writing Services: What Are They?

A content marketing agency or a professional writer offers blog writing services.

Their goal (should be) to help online businesses maintain and grow an internet presence by providing high-quality content.

What makes blog content high-quality?

Without going into too much nerdy detail, this type of content is designed to:

  • Help your website rank higher for important keywords

  • Generate organic traffic for these keywords.

  • Solidify your business as an industry leader through educational marketing.

  • Display products to customers in an organized and educational way.

  • Help your customers navigate efficiently through your website.

  • Keep your customers up to date on all the latest news in your industry.

Why is consistency so important in a content marketing strategy?

Consistent blog posting is essential for SEO. It basically tells Google and other search engines that your website is alive and well, and that more people should pay attention to your website and your content!

Blog writing services can help provide you with regular blog posts on complex topics, ranging from current events to custom content. For the most complex topics, it is absolutely essential to make sure your provider has the ability to create the high quality content you need.

When a blog space is not maintained, businesses run the risk of losing first-page keyword rankings for their website while regular readers will try and find blogs elsewhere, which has the potential to negatively impact your organic traffic — ultimately affecting your bottom line.

However, consistency only matters if your blog writing service is providing a combination of premium quality and premium optimization.

How Do Blogs Help Business Owners?

This is actually quite a common question that comes up frequently during conversations.

It’s very common for business owners to have absolutely no idea just how powerful blogging can be.

In their minds, blogging may be a form of personal diary, or even an online writing style focused entirely on gossip!

However, blogging is worth it and here’s why:

Increased Web Traffic

Doesn’t every business owner want to increase traffic on their website?

People find websites in several ways:

  1. They can Google businesses and company names, but that option is for an audience that knows the brand. This option is unlikely for small business owners or are trying to establish their brand from the ground up.

  2. Getting spammed via email and clicking on a link out of exasperation. We suggest steering clear of this method because, you know, it’s illegal.

  3. Finding out about a site from paid advertisements – an expensive marketing strategy for small business owners that might not always pay off.

Blogging jumps ahead where other methods fall behind.

As you can imagine, the abovementioned methods of increasing web traffic are not convenient methods for increasing traffic to your website long-term.

An effective blogging strategy is an excellent method for increasing web traffic.

Adding blog posts and new content on your platform means an additional indexed page for your website, which will improve your entire website’s odds of showing up on the first search results page for different search engines.

A Higher SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rating for a specific keyword means driving more organic traffic to your website for the products or services related to that keyword!

Pro tip: Optimizing a site for search engines will exponentially increase the effectiveness of your blogging strategy. Wondering where to start? Click here for a completely free SEO website audit. We’ll send the link right to your email — no questions asked.

Healthy Presence on Social Media Platforms

Many successful entrepreneurs take advantage of blog sharing via social media, since marketing on these platforms can be incredibly fruitful and driving more traffic from your social profiles to your blog content can signal to Google that people are engaging with your content — resulting in a cascade of increasing website traffic.

The more articles, unique content, and ideas you publish on your blog, the more opportunities for people to share them on a social media platform like Facebook, exposing your company to more people.

Blog content helps businesses keep a healthy social media presence, which is very important in today’s era of digital relevancy.

Building Industry Authority and Customer Visibility

Regularly bringing your target audience great ideas, quality content, and well-researched articles will establish your company as an industry authority.

Furthermore, blog writing services can help showcase your expertise as a business owner, helping expand your influence to potential clients who might not have heard about your small business.

They’re a great resource and an excellent marketing tool for using that newly established authority to expand small businesses on social media.

The more posts a content marketing agency makes on your blog website, the more exposure your company gains, and the more you stand to profit.

Expertise in this type of marketing ensures the usage of the right SEO keywords and metadata to capture the attention of both search engines and customers.

Converting Customers

Blog posts and articles help convert your website traffic into leads. The more content you provide on your platform, the higher the opportunities to generate more leads.

To ensure the long term success of companies, writers add a call-to-action to blog posts, which traffic can click to land on your services page. CTAs can also lead to content for which users would be willing to exchange information.

Improved Link Building

Backlinks are a crucial metric for determining SERP rankings.

Small business owners and entrepreneurs consider them the third most important metric in search engine optimization.

When creating content that is both educational and sharable, will provide more of an opportunity for your readers to share this valuable knowledge with their friends and family — who are more likely to be interested in the same content your blog is offering!

The sharable nature of good blog content also encourages other educational websites to “link” to your content.

Since relevancy is such an important factor in Google’s crawling algorithm, gaining contextual backlinks that are relevant to your industry should be an essential aspect of your strategy.

The moral of the story?

Make SURE your blog content is educational and sharable.

Driving Long-Term Results

Increasing customer visibility through ranking higher on SERPs while building industry authority both help achieve long term results in terms of money / profitability and gaining new clients / selling more products.

Establishing authority increases trust, which is a forever-important driving force that increases the chances of new prospects to enter into the initial level of your sales funnel.

Blog posts and articles that answer essential questions and mention how to guides and provide business insider information concerning the market, your products and services, and the industry can help ensure the long term success of your business.

10 Things All Blog Writing Services Should Have

There are many blog writing services out there.

Still, many do not offer anything substantial in terms of making more money, getting practical business advice, or improving marketing strategies.

If you’ve decided to buy blog writing services to improve your existing business or to start a new one, there are several things you MUST pay check off your checklist before making your decision.

And please, try to really do this. One thing we absolutely hate here is seeing business owners waste their time with people and business who don’t genuinely care about their clients.

Feel free to download our Blog Writing Services Checklist and follow along — all you need to do is create a free account!

If you have specific questions about how we can help with blog writing, content writing, or outsourcing big projects…

Since we make blog posts, business blogs, and articles for numerous clients covering all industries, we know exactly what these services should be offering.

Our team at Bellio Digital has always been committed to offering practical advice, ideas, and actionable information for improving your business.

Through a wonderful combination of experimentation and obsession, we have isolated 10 key features that every Blog Writing Service MUST OFFER before you consider them worthy of your time and money.

Make sure your Blog Writing Service and/or your Content Marketing Team are always offering these features so you can stay far ahead of your competition — for the long-term!

1. Free Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are HTML tags that summarize the content on individual webpages.

It’s the snippet of text you can see on search engine results when you browse for something.

Meta descriptions are an essential part of ranking higher in SEO rankings and generating more traffic.

Many blog writing services have the nerve to charge extra money for writing these tags.

Unlike them, we provide our customers free SEO-optimized meta descriptions that will organically fit your marketing and traffic strategies.

We think about it like this.

Let’s say a car dealership is selling you a car. Are they going to charge you extra for the wheels?


It would be ridiculous if they did that. You’d most likely never trust them. You’d go somewhere else.

We think about blogs, content marketing, and every other service we offer in the exact same way.

If a business is offering to sell you a product, it must be a complete product. Every part of the product is essential for making sure the product is working at peak effectiveness.

Long story short — if your Blog Writing Service isn’t offering you free meta descriptions, they are not offering you a complete “blog” product. Choose another vendor.

Keep in mind, this same method and thought process of approaching blogs and business in general will be continued throughout the duration of our existence. We think the exact same way about all of the following blogging features as well.

2. Verified SEO Scores

Ask any seasoned entrepreneur, and they will open your eyes to a rude awakening: most writing services only promise SEO-opti

mized content.

The truth is, most of these services will either:

A. Rarely deliver on their promises.

— Or —

B. Not have a concrete and measurable way to deliver on their promises.

A blog post or an article requires SEO tools to optimize the content and verify its SEO score, which many service providers don’t use.

Bellio Digital uses Surfer SEO to create content for our clients — we’re using it right now to create THIS!

Surfer SEO is a user-friendly, highly-effective, web-based software. It’s one of the world’s newest and most important tools for helping business owners accurately measure SEO scores — termed “Content Score.”

The absolute BEST part of this tool, is that the Content Score for your blog is based entirely off of your competitors.

After typing in the keywords you want to rank for, you’ll create a Content Editor. The Content Editor is designed to summarize all of the best content in the world, or whatever area you’d prefer targeting, related to the keywords you want to rank for and uses AI to crawl through this content.

Utilizing over 500 different factors and parameters that us humans would spend an eternity on, the AI assigns your competitors’ best content with Content Scores.

It looks like this:

Forget about using Blog Writing Services that rely on “Best Practices for Writing Blogs.”

While these best practices may serve as helpful, foundational resources to build your strategy on, they aren’t do or die! Make sure your Content Marketing team is relying on tools that can accurately measure exactly what you need to do, in order for your content to rank higher on SERPs.

This is especially true for businesses trying to gain exposure in saturated industries.

Tools that can analyze your competitors and optimize your content to best appeal to Google’s algorithm are essential for beating your competitors with every new piece of content you create.

3. Long Form Posts — Epic Blog Content

The length of an article or blog post is a crucial factor for determining website rankings. Many content vendors will offer writing a blog post that averages around 900 to 1200 words.

While this allows readers to consume blog posts or articles faster, it can damage SERP rankings.

But, does size really matter? (Corny, I know.)

Think about it like this.

Over the years, Google’s algorithm has been optimized to only show the most relevant content to their users.

This has inevitably led to a prioritization of something we like to call, “Complete Guide Content.” Consider these facts:

  • The longer a user stays on your page, the more Google will assume that the content is relevant to their search query.

  • After visiting your page, if the user immediately goes to a different website, Google will assume that the user did NOT get the information they required from your content — and rank your website lower.

That is why it’s absolutely essential to create Complete Guide Content that covers everything the user needs to know so they:

  • Stay on the page longer.

  • Consider you an industry leader.

  • Will come back to the same guide to have their questions answered again.

All of these things are essential for blog posts and content to be considered SEO-optimized.

We provide customers with blog content, and articles are known as Epic Blog Content. These articles boast a word count climbing up to 2500 words, which according to HubSpot, is the ideal length for ranking websites higher up on search engines.

4. Free Schema Markup Codes

What exactly is, “Schema Markup?”

Without getting into too much nerdy detail, Schema Markup codes act as a sort of road map for Google’s Crawl bots.

These bots are constantly searching the web, indexing websites and deciding who should rank for which keywords.

Injecting Schema Markup code into the top of your page will allow the crawl bots to more easily decipher and organize the information found in your page. This means that every page you apply Schema Markup codes to will have a better chance of ranking higher in search engines.

There are tons of different codes you can apply to a single page.

The main Schema Markup codes you should be applying to your blogs pages are as follows:

  • Organization Schema.

  • Blog/Article Schema.

  • FAQPage Schema (where applicable).

  • HowTo Schema.

Here’s an example of the schema codes located on this specific page:

You’ll notice an Organization Schema, a Blog/Article Schema, and an FAQPage Schema — all added to make this page more easily decipherable for Google’s crawl bots.

Adding this type of code to your page also provides the chance to appear for what’s known as, “Rich Results.”

Structured data in the form of rich snippets like the example above entice users to click on your page through the inherent perception of authority, as well as immensely helping with SEO!

A good Blog Writing Service should provide you with free Schema Markups for every blog they make (which is exactly what we do, I know — SHOCKER.)

5. Unlimited Revisions

Client satisfaction is a crucial part of our craft. Many small businesses suffer from a disappointing experience with blog writing services because they have to pay extra money to make edits to the delivered content.

Unlike them, we offer unlimited revisions because we believe client satisfaction is crucial in building brand credibility and trust.

The best blog writing services go to extreme lengths to ensure you’re 100% satisfied with your delivery!

6. Free Images

Images are an essential factor for pushing your SEO rankings page 1, but your business might not have funds to spare for investing in stock images.

The truth is, you shouldn’t have to!

Any good blog writing service should provide free formatted photos to help make your blogs and articles rank high on search pages!

7. Timely Delivery

Our team guarantees your content delivery in 7 to 10 days from when you approve the blog post list!

Timing is everything if you own a small business in a competitive industry, such as business or technology. The more blogs you put on your website, the more likely it will be for your business to retain customers and organic traffic.

However, many writing services fail to deliver content on time, costing your business precious clients and revenue — delaying your plans and putting everyone behind.

Our team guarantees your content delivery in 7 to 10 days from when you approve the blog post list!

If your blog writing service doesn’t do something similar, we suggest moving on to someone better.

8. Affordable Rates

It is crucial for a blog writing service to offer affordable rates to facilitate all business people — not just the big guys.

Whether someone owns a large-scale corporation, or a small-to-medium enterprise. Affordability ensures business success since a sinking business will not require future services.

Good Content Marketing Agencies and Blog Writing Service websites should offer their customers affordable rates and extreme value for money.

From our research we concluded that most of these services are pretty keen on ripping off their customers. They’ll sell a single, incomplete blog for $350 or more.

Frankly, this is ridiculous. How are the smaller business owners supposed to feel good about spending $1400 on a set of 4 incomplete blogs, when they’ll need to keep doing it monthly to make a real difference in SERP rankings.

The truth is, they do this because they can. And most business owners don’t know any better.

We view this as quite deceitful. Gross!

Any good blog writing service will give you a much more personalized and affordable rate for COMPLETE blogs that include everything in this list and more.

Our most basic package for 4 complete blogs (with all the bells and whistles) only costs $799 per month.

Compare that to the $1400+ monthly spend you’ll be getting with our top competitors.

Honestly, they made it easy for us. Thanks competitors!

9. Plagiarism-Free Quality Content

We don’t think this point should require any clarification. To state the obvious, if service providers write plagiarized content for clients, they lose the client and reduce trust in their brand.

Bellio Digital offers 100% original content that is proofread and runs through plagiarism checking tools to ensure your article or blog post is unique for you and your business.

10. Scalability for Entrepreneurs and Large-Scale Businesses

A good writing service or professional writer offers scalability to clients as many of them could own a large business, while many can be small business owners.

Handling large volumes of content helps businesses scale larger, and the blogging service should grow along with them!

Bellio Digital offers many packages ranging from 4 monthly blogs to 16 monthly blogs.

Need more content?

We’ll create a customized plan for your needs — and we’ll make it SWEET.

Ask Us A Question

If you have specific questions about how we can help with blog writing, content writing, or outsourcing big projects…

Blog Writing Service FAQs

Can you purchase blogs?

You can purchase blogs from a blogging service like Bellio Digital.

Is it worth it to buy a blog?

Buying blogs is worth it because it helps increase organic traffic and convert it to leads — as long as your vendor is doing things correctly!

Can you make money from buying a blog?

Buying a blog can ensure long-term success and increase customer visibility, leading to more clicks and purchases across your whole website.

Can you buy blog articles?

You can buy blog articles from freelance writers and professional service providers who offer them in bundles based on a specific word count.

How much does it cost to hire someone to write a blog?

The average cost of hiring a writer to make blogs ranges between $35 to $150 per hour.

How much does a 2000 word blog post cost?

A long-form post or article (2000+ words) costs between $250-$500. Bellio Digital offers four 2500-word posts a month for $799, saving your hundreds of dollars right away, and thousands of dollars long term.

Which blog is best for business?

Long-form, educational, complete guide blog posts are best for ranking your website well on search engines.

Are blogs good for business?

Blogs and consistent content creation are both essential for businesses because they increase organic traffic, improve your website ranking, and establish your business as an industry leader in your field. Being an industry leader increases how much trust potential customers have in you which is necessary for increasing your conversion rate.

What does a blog do for a business?

Creating consistent content via SEO optimized blogs can create a foundation of organic traffic by helping you rank for high volume keywords. A blog can help increase ROI by increasing web traffic and helping convert customers.

Do blogs help small businesses?

Blogs help small businesses gain more exposure by helping them rank for essential keywords, increasing their foundation of monthly organic traffic, and increasing customer visibility. Blogging can help every other marketing strategy be more effective.

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10 Things Business Owners MUST Look For in Blog Writing Services

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