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LAST UPDATED: November 20, 2023

Outsourced Content Writing Services

Marketing agency owners know that having the right system and team for every marketing channel is the first step to scaling up.

They also know that finding the right system and team for SEO Content Writing is one of the most difficult of all the channels to cover.

Fortunately, everyone at Bellio Digital has seemed to accidentally fall in love with content writing to the point where we’ve created an all-encompassing solution.

Now, hard-working agency owners get to relax knowing that their content writing is covered. This includes web pages, blog posts, press releases, and more.

Keep reading to learn more or just contact us below!

What is Outsourced Content Writing?

Outsourced content writing refers to hiring external freelance writers or a content writing service like us to create high-quality content for your clients.

Instead of handling all content creation in-house, you can partner with qualified professionals dedicated solely to writing SEO-optimized content. This frees up your in-house team to focus on core marketing tasks while experienced outsourced writers work on engaging blog posts, website copy, social media posts, press releases, and more.

Why Outsource Your Content Writing?

Creating high-quality, optimized content requires significant time and resources.

Trying to manage all content in-house can stretch your team thin, limit content output, and skyrocket costs unnecessarily. Also, building a system to do this content writing requires:
  • Custom software
  • In-depth expertise
  • Years of building and refinement
If you’re managing a fast-growing agency, you probably won’t have the bandwidth to develop these things.

Common Content Issues That Agency Owners Face

Agency owners know that 99% of white-label writing companies have almost zero grasp on what “high-quality content” actually means.

These companies are here to do two things:

  1. Get your money
  2. Deliver words

That means you’re stuck dealing with:

  • A stagnant, robotic writing voice
  • The grammar of a second grader (sorry second graders!)
  • GPT-hallucinated statements that lack factual accuracy
  • Cleaning up the mess yourself after several rounds of unsuccessful edit requests

Look, we get it!

That’s the whole reason we started Bellio Digital in the first place.

We thought to ourselves, “This can’t be that hard.” Meanwhile – it really was.

Good thing we enjoy the challenge most of all!

How We Solve Your Content Writing Problems

To be honest, the number of bells and whistles that go into our process borders on obsession – to the point where listing all of them could take up this whole page.

Instead, we’re going to stick with the still-attractive, big-picture solutions that we’re proud to talk about:
  • Brand-oriented style and voice that satisfies your clients
  • Proofreaders and fact-checkers to make sure your writing is on point
  • Image sourcers with specialized training to make your pages pop
  • One location with automatic status updates in your free online portal
  • Easy-access tabs that are organized by client so you can hone in wherever you want
  • Our secret “allintitle” strategy that can quickly increase search engine rankings
You can give the finished product to your clients and slap your name on it.
We want you to win and we’re here to make that happen.

Benefits of Outsourced Content Writing


High-Quality Content

Our content outsourcing team is dedicated solely to content creation:

  • They have the skills and experience to craft optimized content that resonates with your clients' target audiences.

  • They work to ensure that their content is engaging, persuasive, and aligned with your brand voice.



Time and Cost Efficiency

In-house writers limit your output and require significant overhead:

  • Outsourced writers and writing systems increase content volume without added overhead costs (think training, equipment, salaries).

  • You get more high-performing content faster and at a lower cost-per-word than you'd have with your own content team.


Flexibility and Scalability

Your agency's content needs may fluctuate:

  • With outsourced writers, you have the flexibility to scale production up or down based on your needs.

  • Unlike in-house teams with fixed costs and output, outsourcing allows you to adapt to changing demands seamlessly.

How Does Outsourced Content Writing Work?

Our outsourced content writing process is based on a theory that’s been made into reality by our amazing content & software development team:

The Bellio Digital Theory

Through a combination of AI and code, ANYTHING can be automated. This is true for SEO Content Writing as well. The full suite of SEO Content Writing — from analysis, to planning, to page writing — can be performed with efficiency, accuracy, and quality through a single input — the client’s URL. You just have to know how to connect the dots.”

~ Andrew Bellio, CEO | Bellio Digital

Turns out… we were right. Instead of filling out long, winded questionnaires that no one has the attention span for anymore, we do things differently. Our content fulfillment partnership can be as hands-on or hands-off as you’d like.

Here’s how it works:

Our Outsourced Content Writing Process:

We want to know exactly what you need; contact us through:

We’ll be able to help with:

  • Monthly blogs for your clients;
  • Writing for new client websites;
  • One-shot large orders;
  • Or something else!



Our Word Bucket approach makes things easy.

Basically, you can get a pack of words that correspond to the needs we discussed above. Then:

  • You can use those words for any type of SEO Content Writing.

  • Need more words? You can always get a refill.

  • They last forever!

Through any of the channels above, you can always send us new orders or pages.

For all your clients, all we need are their URLs. If you have any additional information, feel free to share it and we will include it in the Client’s profile!

Our team conducts thorough research to deeply understand your industry, competitors, products/services, and customers.


Boom — Ready to publish!

Our Word Bucket sizes are built with your agency in mind

Agency Start-Up Word Buckets:

25,000 - 50,000

Agency Scale-Up Word Bucket:

75,000 Words

Agency Advanced Word Bucket:

100,000 Words

Agency Enterprice - Custom Word Bucket:

Agency Start-Up Word Buckets:

Standard $0.08 Per Word

25,000 Words – 50,000 Words
  • Images & NLP-Alt Text are included with a small fee
  • Access to 10 Proposal Generator Tokens (Coming Soon!)

Agency Scale-Up Word Bucket:

$675 Bulk Discount

75,000 Words
  • Rank Tracking
  • Monthly Reports
  • Images Included
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • Access to 25 Proposal Generator Tokens (Coming Soon!)

Agency Advanced Word Bucket:

$1,400 Bulk Discount

100,000 Words
  • Rank Tracking
  • Monthly Reports
  • Images Included
  • Schema Markup Code
  • Content Plan Creation
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • Access to Unlimited Proposal Generator Tokens for Two Months (Coming Soon!)

Agency Enterprise - Custom Word Bucket:

How Our Content Writing Services Can Elevate Your Marketing Agency

Bellio Digital can handle all your content needs, freeing up your team to focus on strategy and optimization.

Regular Blog Posts & Articles

SEO-Optimized Website Content

Why Choose Bellio Digital for Your Content Writing Needs?

Unlike other content writing services, at Bellio Digital, we’ve cultivated a robust system that’s led by the latest AI technology.

This allows our team of project managers, proofreaders, and fact-checkers to diligently focus on content that can take your business to the next level:

Here's why:

Your Free Online Portal: Track Word Count and Page Status

Stay on top of your content pipeline from start to finish:

  • Our online portal gives you real-time visibility of all your projects.
  • Easily view word count, page status, and due dates for seamless collaboration.

Outsourced Content Writing FAQ

How can I track the progress of my content writing projects?

On your portal, you can check the progress of each page. The status of every page is updated as our team performs their tasks. You never have to wonder what’s happening with your projects again!

What if I need more words for a project?

No problem! Our flexible Word Buckets model makes it easy to get more words whenever you need them. Simply top up with more words. Refills are priced at our discounted bulk rates, so you save money by buying more. There are no commitments or contracts. You can purchase refills as often as needed to scale your content output. It’s a simple, hassle-free way to get more content as your agency’s needs grow.

How quickly can you deliver the content?

With our team of proofreaders and fact-checkers, we can take on any size project and deliver engaging, optimized content fast. For small projects, delivery time is around 3-5 business days. For larger projects, we discuss timelines upfront and set reasonable deadlines that work for your needs. Rush orders are no problem. For a small additional fee, we can deliver content in as little as 24 hours. We believe in open communication and will keep you updated if any delays arise. You can trust us to deliver great content according to your schedule.

Can you write about my specific industry or niche?

Absolutely! Our team members all have 5+ years of experience and are highly skilled researchers. No matter your niche, we’ll take the time to deeply understand your industry, products/services, competitors, and target customers. Before joining our team, each proofreader or fact-checker is carefully vetted for research and writing skills. You can trust us to quickly get up to speed on your niche and create content tailored to your specific needs. Let us handle the specialized writing so you can focus on higher-level marketing.

This allows us to craft content that speaks directly to your audience and aligns with specialized industry terminology and topics. We’ve created content for clients across all major industries, including legal, finance, healthcare, tech, e-commerce, and more. We’ve even written about mayonnaise!

Should you outsource content writing?

Outsourcing content writing is a strategic choice for many marketing agencies. It allows for access to specialized skills and expertise, enhances content quality, and can be more cost-effective compared to maintaining an in-house team. With outsourced content writing, you get the flexibility to scale production according to your needs, ensuring a consistent flow of high-quality, SEO-optimized content.

Why outsource content writing?

Outsourcing content writing brings several benefits:

  1. Access to specialized skills and varied writing styles.

  2. Improved content quality and SEO optimization.

  3. Cost-efficiency as it eliminates the need for in-house team expenses.

  4. Flexibility to scale content production based on demand.

  5. Time-saving, allowing your team to focus on core marketing tasks.

Should I outsource blog writing?

Outsourcing blog writing can be highly beneficial, especially for achieving consistent quality and volume. Professional writers and AI bring a fresh perspective and expertise in SEO, enhancing your clients’ ranking potential without having to build an entire team yourself.

How much do writing services cost?

Content writing costs vary widely based on factors such as expertise, content type, and word count. For instance, in the US & UK, the cost for a high quality 1000-word blog post ranges between $200 to $750. Website content for 5-10 pages can cost $1500 to $4500 in the USA. With us, you don’t have to pay the high prices for high-quality work that actually ranks.

How much does it cost to hire a freelance writer?

Freelance writers offer various pricing models including hourly rates, per-word charges, and project-based fees. The average hourly rate for a content writer in the U.S. is around $22.96. Per-word pricing can range from $0.05 to $1.50 per word, while a 1500-word blog post might cost between $300 to $500. Instead of taking risks filtering through various freelance writers, just go with us. We’ve done the work for you while making the price more reasonable!

Free 1-On-1 SEO Content Strategy Meeting!

Request a free content strategy meeting with Andrew, our CEO!